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Studying in ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍøAssociation of Universities and Colleges of ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø

Association of Universities and Colleges of ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø

The Association of Universities and Colleges in ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø is a voluntary group of 96 public and non-profit private higher education providers in ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø. The organization was founded back in 1911 with a firm long-term mission of becoming the common voice for Canadian universities and promoting high-quality education standards. In 2015 the organization switch name to become known as Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø, but its goals and values upon which was initially built remained the same.

What Does Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø?

First of all, Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø or the Association of Universities and Colleges of ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø is not an accreditation body. However, each university willing to become a member of the organization have to meet some criteria.

Study at University of Fredricton

The University of Fredericton (UFred) is a private institution established in 2005 in Fredericton, New Brunswick, that offers online, high-quality, and affordable education for students from all across ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø and the world

On a major scale, the role of Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø include the followings:

  • Maintaining strong academic standards among university members
  • Improve and facilitate cooperation among university members
  • Promote ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø as an attractive study destination in the international market
  • Last but not least important, impose its authority to address issues of common interests in front of political agenda.

At the very bottom and in very simple terms, Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø is an organization of universities for universities. Its most profound role is to make sure its members meet common higher education standards. The main goal underlying this role is to ensure Canadian universities have the experience, capacity and commitment to produce excellent candidates who are going to take on challenges that face ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø and the globe. In line with this, member universities of Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø undergo specific revisions every five years in order for their compliance with education standards to be evaluated.

An important part of the agenda of Universities     ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø is to maintain strong academic cooperation between university members with the intention of facilitating academic exchanges and administrative policies. Upon this approach, Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø aims to identify areas of common interests where improvement is needed. This includes not only the academic part but also the administrative aspect.

Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø is also strongly committed toward strengthening ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø’s position in the global education market. In strong, close and continual cooperation with governmental authorities, the Association of Universities and Colleges of ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø has clearly run a successful international education strategy. Their hard work is massively to blame that ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø today ranks among the five most popular study destinations in the world regarding student enrollment statistics.

In addition to that Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø are not also willing to convince international students to come to ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø but are also determined to guarantee them an unforgettable study experience. Usually, international students tend to feel intimidated and quite insecure about it expects them in an unknown environment abroad. Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø offers a wide range of services to help international students accommodate their personal or academic needs and ease this transition.

Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø also aims to be a unified front and a common voice for Canadian universities when it comes to national politics. They play a massive advocate role in order for universities to have a significant amount of access and be an active participant in decision-making processes concerning reforms in the whole national education system.

Except for this, Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø it makes sure to promote and increase awareness over the massive contribution universities bring to the country. This is done so they can attract more education funds be it from governmental parties or organizations of private sector to spend on different research programs, international programs student assistance services and other capital projects.

Priorities of Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø

As like any other big organization with clear and long-term vision, Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø has set out its priorities which stand at the core of their mission and reflect values and principles upon which the whole organization is built. Given below are priorities of Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø

  • Copyright and fair dealing
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Study Abroad
  • Research and Innovation
  • Indigenous Education
  • Co-ops and Internships

Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Scholarships

Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø manages with distribution of state-funded programs and scholarships and more than 120 scholarships funded from the private sector. Students searching for information related to opportunities for earning scholarships can easily reach the organization and get to know what options there are. The organization has a whole professional team which is ready to guide all students with requirements and procedure needed to apply for one.

Listed below are some scholarship schemes administered from Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø:

Tanaka Fund

Tanaka Fund was created in 1974 to encourage Japan students study abroad in ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø and vice versa. Since 1975 this funding program is administered by Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø. Annual value funded for this scheme changes year to year. In 2019, a total of $30,000 will be awarded and the value of each grant can be as high as $10,000. Master and Doctoral students are eligible to apply for this type of scholarship.

Scholarship Partners ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø

Scholarship Partners ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø is considered as a leading organization in scholarship management. They help other institutions on developing and administrating scholarship schemes. Around $12 million are distributed each year from Scholarship Partners ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø to around 5,000 students.

Innovative designs for accessibility IDeA competition

IDeA is a competitive scholarships which encourages ambitious young innovators to develop innovative solutions which would provide higher access to disabled persons. Every postgraduate student enrolled in a degree-granting university is eligible to apply to IDeA competition. Candidates who finish in first three position earn a certain amount of money. The winner earns $5,000, the second place gets $1,500 and the third $1,000.

Queen Elizabeth Scholars

Queen Elizabeth Scholars is a huge scholarship program which operates in 59 countries. It aims to offer students a unique international studying experience and help engage in collaborative initiatives. The program has so far attracted more than $80 million to fund scholarship schemes. Currently there are 44 Canadian students involved in the program of Queen Elizabeth Scholars.

North-South research

North-South is a research program to enhance students’ mobility and change their perspective. In the period of time between 2005 and 2014 around 1,500 Canadian students had the opportunity to attend some internship programs from three to six months.

ERA-Can+ Project

ERA-Can+ Project was created to strengthen the cooperation and dialogue of Canadian universities with their counterparts in the European Union. Among activities Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø participate are information sessions during which Canadian researchers and scientists are informed over options to participating the biggest EU’s research program Horizon 2020.

Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Fees

At Canadian universities there is a wide range of tuition fees applied. In the table below are shown the range of tuition fees member universities of Universities ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø apply to their local and international students.

Local StudentsInternational StudentsLocal StudentsInternational Students
Acadia University$7,390 - $8,673$17,363 - $17,363$7,341 - $8,624$17,532 - $17,532Nova Scotia
Algoma University$6,517 - $6,517$17,252 - $17,252--Ontario
Athabasca University$4,760 - $6,540$14,330 - $14,900$13,500 - $13,500$15,500 - $15,500Alberta
Bishop's University$2,456 - $7,632$16,816 - $18,782$2,456 - $7,632$16,816 - $16,816²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
Brandon University$3,602 - $3,602$7,203 - $7,203$5,501 - $5,501$5,501 - $5,501Manitoba
Brescia University College$6,723 - $6,723$25,666 - $28,743$7,067 - $7,067$17,889 - $17,889Ontario
Brock University$6,574 - $6,766$25,293 - $25,293$6,500 - $9,085$23,504 - $23,504Ontario
Campion College$6,533 - $6,533$19,598 - $19,598--Saskatchewan
Canadian Mennonite University$7,410 - $7,410$10,003 - $10,003$7,680 - $7,680$7,680 - $7,680Manitoba
Cape Breton University$6,517 - $7,800$15,600 - $15,600$8,487 - $9,770$17,570 - $17,570Nova Scotia
Carleton University$6,742 - $7,129$24,761 - $24,761$5,504 - $5,810$13,060 - $14,466Ontario
Concordia University$2,456 - $7,632$16,816 - $18,783$1,842 - $5,724$11,320 - $12,612²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
Concordia University of Edmonton$7,140 - $7,140$12,630 - $12,630$10,875 - $10,875$16,365 - $24,548Alberta
Dallhosie University$6,355 - $7,638$17,148 - $17,148$6,805 - $8,088$17,598 - $17,598Nova Scotia
Emily Carr University of Art + Design$4,101 - $4,101$16,407 - $16,407$14,238 - $14,238$14,238 - $14,238British Columbia
First Nations University of ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø$6,533 - $6,533$19,598 - $19,598$4,268 - $4,268$7,745 - $7,745Saskatchewan
Huron University College$6,723 - $6,723$25,666 - $28,743--Ontario
Institut national de la recherche scientifique--$2,684 - $7,860$15,322 - $17,044²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
King's University College at the University of Western Ontario$6,723 - $6,723$25,666 - $28,743$7,067 - $7,067$17,889 - $17,889Ontario
Kwantlen Polytechnic University$4,253 - $4,253$18,454 - $19,741--British Columbia
Lakehead University$5,998 - $6,649$22,601 - $22,601$5,436 - $5,988$14,498 - $14,498Ontario
Laurentian University$6,380 - $6,667$23,563 - $23,563$9,473 - $9,749$18,543 - $19,226Ontario
Luther College$7,550 - $7,550$20,350 - $20,350--Saskatchewan
MacEwan University$4,620 - $4,620$18,240 - $18,240--Alberta
McGill University$2,456 - $7,632$16,816 - $16,816$2,456 - $7,632$15,094 - $16,816²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
McMaster University$6,617 - $6,714$20,808 - $27,978$7,008 - $7,008$16,761 - $17,096Ontario
Memorial University of Newfoundland$2,550 - $2,550$11,460 - $11,460$1,905 - $2,859$3,222 - $4,833Newfoundland & Labrador
Mount Allison University$8,295 - $8,295$17,600 - $17,600$8,295 - $8,295$17,600 - $17,600New Brunswick
Mount Royal University$4,942 - $4,942$18,913 - $18,913--Alberta
Mount Saint Vincent University$6,418 - $7,701$15,402 - $15,402$5,020 - $5,789$10,410 - $10,410Nova Scotia
Nipissing University$6,423 - $6,423$19,325 - $19,325$9,451 - $9,451$18,350 - $13,850Ontario
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design$7,387 - $8,670$19,170 - $19,170$7,447 - $8,730$19,350 - $19,350Nova Scotia
Ontario College of Art & Design$6,530 - $6,725$22,345 - $22,345$21,021 - $21,021$28,575 - $28,575Ontario
Ontario Tech University$6,572 - $6,648$19,735 - $19,941$8,421 - $8,421$18,422 - $18,422Ontario
Queen's University$6,760 - $6,760$35,224 - $35,224$6,414 - $6,414$12,927 - $12,927Ontario
Redemeer University College$16,792 - $16,792$16,792 - $16,792--Ontario
Royal Military College of ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø$5,720 - $5,720-$5,790 - $5,790$13,560 - $13,560Ontario
Royal Roads University$7,575 - $9,560$20,390 - $20,390$12,670 - $12,865$15,370 - $16,730British Columbia
Ryerson University$6,730 - $6,789$24,454 - $24,454$10,245 - $10,245$20,037 - $20,912Ontario
Saint Mary's University$6,387 - $7,670$16,580 - $16,580$4,264 - $7,564$12,284 - $16,751Nova Scotia
Saint Paul University$5,279 - $5,279$13,271 - $13,271$5,628 - $5,628$12,768 - $13,405Ontario
Simon Fraser University$5,648 - $5,648$23,845 - $25,220$3,743 - $3,743$3,743 - $3,743British Columbia
St. Francier Xavier University$7,287 - $8,570$17,140 - $17,140$4,730 - $5,500$11,000 - $11,000Nova Scotia
St. Jerome's University$6,810 - $8,296$27,376 - $30,850$5,012 - $5,012$13,540 - $13,676Ontario
St. Paul's College$3,778 - $3,778$14,382 - $14,382$4,962 - $4,962$10,916 - $10,916Manitoba
St. Thomas More College$6,234 - $6,234$17,019 - $17,019--Saskatchewan
St. Thomas University$6,776 - $6,776$15,230 - $15,230--New Brunswick
The King's University$12,710 - $12,710$15,710 - $15,710--Alberta
The University of British Columbia$5,294 - $5,294$25,978 - $36,588$4,898 - $4,898$8,605 - $8,605British Columbia
The University of Winnipeg$3,675 - $4,230$13,695 - $13,695$6,631 - $6,631$13,705 - $13,705Manitoba
Thompson Rivers University$4,228 - $4,228$16,800 - $16,800$7,432 - $7,432$13,138 - $13,138British Columbia
Trent University$6,798 - $6,798$19,160 - $20,366$5,994 - $5,994$12,810 - $12,810Ontario
Trinity Western University$22,260 - $22,260$22,260 - $22,260$20,100 - $42,840$20,100 - $42,840British Columbia
Télé-université/ TÉLUQ$2,456 - $7,632$16,816 - $18,252$2,456 - $7,632$23,504 - $23,504²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
University of Alberta$5,321 - $5,321$21,668 - $21,668$3,745 - $3,745$12,438 - $12,438Alberta
University of Calgary$5,386 - $5,386$18,338 - $18,338$1,627 - $7,148$3,693 - $16,226Alberta
University of Guelph$6,547 - $6,768$9,730 - $22,091$5,097 - $5,548$5,650 - $13,943Ontario
University of King's College$6,561 - $7,844$17,354 - $17,354$4,264 - $7,564$12,284 - $16,751Nova Scotia
University of Lethbridge$4,974 - $4,974$12,641 - $12,641$5,838 - $5,838$13,532 - $13,532Alberta
University of Manitoba$3,778 - $3,778$14,382 - $14,382$4,962 - $4,962$10,916 - $10,916Manitoba
University of New Brunswick$6,758 - $6,758$15,951 - $15,951$6,843 - $6,843$12,144 - $12,144New Brunswick
University of Northern British Columbia$5,318 - $5,318$18,612 - $18,612$3,297 - $3,297$3,297 - $3,297British Columbia
University of Ottawa$6,765 - $6,765$31,444 - $31,444$7,074 - $8,664$16,334 - $22,786Ontario
University of Prince Edward Island$6,150 - $6,150$13,326 - $13,326$4,134 - $5,000$11,310 - $12,176Prince Edward Island
University of Regina$6,533 - $6,533$19,598 - $19,598$4,268 - $4,268$7,745 - $7,745Saskatchewan
University of Saskatchewan$6,234 - $6,234$17,019 - $17,019$2,758 - $2,758$4,358 - $4,358Saskatchewan
University of St. Michael's College$6,780 - $7,070$42,870 - $49,800$6,900 - $6,900$6,900 - $22,640Ontario
University of Sudbury$6,380 - $6,667$23,563 - $23,563--Ontario
University of the Fraser Valley$4,351 - $4,351$17,160 - $17,160$17,122 - $17,122$12,500 - $17,160British Columbia
University of Toronto$6,780 - $7,070$42,870 - $49,800$6,900 - $6,900$6,900 - $22,640Ontario
University of Trinity College$6,780 - $7,070$42,870 - $49,800$6,900 - $6,900$6,900 - $22,640Ontario
University of Victoria$5,585 - $5,585$18,785 - $21,675$5,800 - $5,800$7,175 - $7,175British Columbia
University of Waterloo$6,810 - $8,296$27,376 - $30,850$5,012 - $5,012$13,540 - $13,676Ontario
University of Western Ontario$6,723 - $6,723$25,666 - $28,743$7,067 - $7,067$17,889 - $17,889Ontario
University of Windsor$6,444 - $6,444$22,660 - $23,500$7,977 - $7,977$21,525 - $21,525New Brunswick
Université de Moncton$5,947 - $5,947$10,899 - $10,899$2,565 - $7,902$5,040 - $14,892²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
Université de Montréal$2,456 - $7,632$16,816 - $16,816$2,456 - $7,632$15,094 - $16,815Manitoba
Université de Saint-Boniface$3,563 - $3,563$7,482 - $7,482$1,625 - $1,625-²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
Université de Sherbrooke$2,456 - $7,632$16,816 - $16,816$2,456 - $7,632$15,094 - $16,816²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
Université du ²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦ en Abitibi-Témiscamingue$2,456 - $7,620$16,830 - $16,830$7,632 - $7,632$15,094 - $16,816²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
Université du ²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦ en Outaouais$2,456 - $7,632$16,816 - $16,816$2,456 - $7,632$15,094 - $16,816²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
Université du ²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦ à Chicoutimi$2,456 - $7,632$16,816 - $18,783$2,456 - $7,632$15,094 - $16,816²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
Université du ²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦ à Montréal$2,456 - $7,632$16,815 - $16,815$2,456 - $7,632$15,094 - $16,815²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
Université du ²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦ à Rimouski$2,456 - $7,632$16,816 - $16,816$2,456 - $7,632$16,816 - $16,816²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
Université du ²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦ à Trois-Rivières$2,456 - $7,632$7,632 - $16,816$2,456 - $7,632$7,632 - $16,816²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
Université Laval$2,456 - $7,632$16,815 - $16,815$2,456 - $7,632$15,094 - $16,815Nova Scotia
Université Sainte-Anne$6,277 - $7,560$10,340 - $10,340$6,277 - $7,560$10,340 - $10,340British Columbia
Vancouver Island University$4,433 - $4,433$15,240 - $15,240$9,634 - $12,953$17,400 - $17,400Ontario
Victoria University$6,780 - $7,070$42,870 - $49,800$6,900 - $6,900$6,900 - $22,640Ontario
Wilfrid Laurier University$6,044 - $6,732$23,422 - $24,104$8,743 - $8,743$20,049 - $20,049Ontario
York University$6,798 - $6,798$24,964 - $26,030$3,190 - $3,190$12,000 - $12,550²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
École de technologie supérieure$2,456 - $7,632$19,525 - $19,525$2,456 - $7,632$15,668 - $17,468²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
École des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC)$2,456 - $7,632$17,795 - $19,896$2,456 - $7,632$15,094 - $16,816²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
École nationale d'administration publique--$2,456 - $7,632$15,094 - $16,815²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦
École Polytechnique de Montréal$2,456 - $7,632$20,267 - $20,267$2,762 - $8,586$16,980 - $18,918²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦

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